Why I Use Bookmarks?

Bookmarks are very useful in order to gain in productivity because you have direct access to your favorites websites in one-click! So when you open your google chrome browser or even your firefox or Microsoft Edge;
Bookmark your favorites news, sports websites
Bookmark your competitors’s websites in order to visualize faster what they are doing #benchmark
Bookmark great tools that you use on a daily basis
Bookmark articles that you liked and want to share later with your friends, colleagues or family
Bookmark great Youtube channels or even the
To sum up, bookmark what you like or often use in order to keep a trace of it to gain time and not spend a useless amount of time to search back for the correct URL/Website/Tool.

How to Add Bookmarks?

To bookmark on Google Chrome, it’s quite straight forward to do it.
You should see on the right corner of your browser a STAR. Please click on the star and it will not only change color:

Toolbar - Chrome
Toolbar – Chrome

Then, you will see a small pop-up on your browser that you can edit:
Write the name of the bookmark. Per default, it will use the meta title which can be very long sometimes. Therefore, we advise you to use a short description of your bookmark. It will be useful to manage them later on.
– Right below, you have a « folder » that will enable you to add bookmarks with the same thematics.

Toolbar - Chrome - Bookmark added
Toolbar – Chrome – Bookmark added

How to Manage Bookmarks?

At some point, you might have a lot of bookmarks and therefore be difficult to manage all your them because you will have a long list of websites. Try to gather them through your own point of view or theme.
Especially if you wish to do a quick benchmark.
Hereafter a screenshot when you click on the top right corner of your google chrome browser where you have the 3 dots in vertical way.

Google Chrome - Manage Bookmark
Google Chrome – Manage Bookmark
Chrome - Bookmark - Listing
Chrome – Bookmark – Listing

[French] How to benchmark using bookmarks?